Dates | 3 Aug 5 Aug 2023 |
Instructor | Pierre Vey |
Price | Early Bird (by 30 April 2023) RM 3,800 Normal Fee after (by 30 April 2023) RM 4,300 |
Phone | +012-2382883 | | |
Venue | FN Harmony |
Address | 72-2, Fraser Business Park, Jalan Metro Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur. |
The most fundamental, yet most complex, question that a practitioner faces when working with a patient is, "How do I determine what are the reasons for this person’s pain and dysfunction?" Listening Techniques 1 (LT1) assists the practitioner in answering that question. Expanding on the evaluation tools taught in Barral Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1, as well as in Barral Neural Manipulation 1, LT1 is designed to reinforce powerful evaluation techniques known as "listening" skills. Listening Techniques’ are palpation tools developed by Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, which enable the practitioner to fine-tune assessment skills. The evaluation phase of a patient’s treatment session is key to long-lasting results. Through precise evaluation techniques, the practitioner is able to determine, and focus on, the primary causes of a patient’s dysfunctional pattern. No matter what type of modalities a practitioner uses, this workshop enhances his/her evaluation tools and skills, which in turn will lead to greater patient outcomes. The LT1 workshop includes lecture, demonstration and practice for each technique presented.
If you have not studied Listening Techniques then this class will introduce you to one of the most powerful evaluation tools that will help you determine where to begin with your patient treatment.
If you are not totally comfortable with your Listening Technique skills, this class will help you to become proficient with these evaluation tools.
If you have been using Local Listening and General Listening with your patients, this class will take you to the next level of your perception and abilities.
VM1, VMIA, NM1, cranial training, lymph training or Mechanical Link. To get the most benefit from attending LT1, VM1 is highly recommended as a pre-requisite.
If you have not had VM1, please read Chapters 1 and 2 of Visceral Manipulation II.